Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hello again.

Hi. It has been a while, yeah? It has been six years, actually. Wow. It's really weird to look back on blogs written by my 18-year-old self. I'm 24 now. I live in Boston. I have been here for just over a year. I'm a grad student, studying playwriting, which I realize is a far cry from Biology. Haha. I'm also a waitress because I have to pay the bills these days. So I'm going to try to fill you in on everything that went down during my blogging hiatus, briefly.
A lot of things have happened in the past six years. Last time you saw me, I was living in New Brunswick, going to Rutgers. I think I was studying Biology? I don't know. Shortly after my last blog post, I left Rutgers and moved back in with my parents. I was sick, but I told myself that the reason I left school was because I didn't like Rutgers. I guess that was part of the reason too. I returned to my old job and went to community college for half of the spring semester while I shopped for a new college to attend in the fall. It was a really dark time for me. Honestly, I don't remember much of it. I can't remember when things happened and at what point during that period. I got really thin. At one point, I was down to about 90 lbs. I'm relatively tall, 5'8", so that wasn't good. I was really weak, balding, fainting all the time. It was pretty scary stuff. I got treatment and gained some weight, but I was still quite thin until that summer. I got mono. I've always heard of people loosing weight with mono. I gained weight, a lot of weight. I started school at La Salle University in Philadelphia that fall. I was about 120 lbs, but I was by no means healthy. It seemed as though I had swapped one disordered eating habit for another and I spent my freshman year binging and purging instead of restricting. I ballooned up to about 155 lbs and I was disgusted with my body, but I was doing well in school and I had friends and a life, sort of. I got involved in theatre again, which was something I had always loved, so that was good times. You hear about how your body will pack on the pounds after a period of starvation and I think that's what happened. My weight adjusted itself over the next few years. I wasn't "cured." I still binged and purged and restricted, but nothing like what I had done in the past. I was functional. My weight stayed around 130-140 lbs until my junior year when I had a bit of a relapse and starved down to 112 lbs. But it got better again and I didn't gain crazy weight like the last time. I finished undergrad, go my BA, and got into grad school. I still have disordered eating problems. I don't know that they'll ever go away. I'm at a "healthy" weight right now. I can't give you an exact number because I haven't weighed myself in over two years, but based on my clothing size, I'd say I'm around 130 lbs, maybe a bit more because I'm way more toned than I was back in the day. My life is kind of ridiculous, but, you know, I'm alive and making things work as best as I can.
I don't know if I'll be updating this regularly or not. I'd like to try, but my schedule is so crazy that I don't know that I'll find the time. We'll see. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported me over the years.

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