Thursday, August 23, 2007


Let me start off by saying that this is not a pro-ana/mia weblog.
Moving name is Danyele, but I really hate that ugly "y" in it. I sometimes go by Danielle online just because I think it looks nicer. It's not really my name though. I'm eighteen years old and a college freshman at a big state school in New Jersey. I'm from New Jersey, a little whitebread town about a half hour outside of Philadelphia. My family is your typical upper-middle class family that feigns perfection but is actually complete with an emotionally unstable mother, an alcoholic workaholic father, two fucked up kids, and a couple of dogs. I'm "the smart one" in the family. I also have an eating disorder. I've been struggling with it for about eight years. I suppose that will be the main focus of my blogs, my eating disorder and eating disorders in general. I used to have a xanga. Well, I still have a xanga, but xanga is flooded with ridiculous pro-ana weblogs written by wannarexic pre-teen girls (as is livejournal) and I don't want to associate what that sort of thing. I'm hoping I won't find the same here. I've actually been inspired to move away from xanga by the author of the mamaVISION blog. She's pretty awesome so if you want to check out her site there is a link on the right module. Anyway, let me write a little bit more about myself. I'm a pre-med major. Well, technically I'm a Biology major and a Psychology minor, but I'm in the pre-med program at my school. I want to be a doctor. I'm not sure what kind of doctor yet, maybe psychiatry or pathology...or surgery. I guess it's kind of ironic that I want to be a doctor. Ha. I also really like politics. I'm a libertarian at heart, but I associate with the Republican party. I support Rudy Giuliani for the presidential elections. He's the man. In addition, I love music. I mostly listen to indie rock and folk. I like classical and choral too. I've been in choirs all of my life and I've traveled all over the globe to perform. I guess I'm pretty lucky. How many people can say they sang in Carnegie Hall when they were fifteen or performed for the Pope when they were sixteen? I've experienced a lot more in my life thus far then many people do in an entire lifetime. It's kind of weird. It's hard to explain. Anyway, I'm going out with one of my best friends tonight. It's our last time to hang out before we both go to college. Fun.

- Danyele


Lani said...

Hello! I was just looking at the listing for people who like the book Wasted, (I love it, btw). I also have an eating disorder (ednos, to be exact), and I hate the AnA lUv!<333 people. And I also like mamavsion, so that's cool. Just thought I'd say hi.

Movimiento Argenlibre said...

Saludos desde el Movimiento Argenlibre

Anonymous said...

Hi! It's mamaV. I am glad you are inspired. Keep writing, you will find your way.

So you traveled the globe in choir? Are you still pursuing this?

What indie music are you into? My husband gets me into some that you may like- death cab for cutie, maritime. Not sure if Bright Eyes is considered indie (I am kind of a music dork), but you should listen to the song "First day of my life."

Keep plugging along, you will beat this damn ED, find your passion in life, stay positive, and dream BIG.

Got it?!
Love you,
aka mamaV

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