Monday, August 27, 2007

Moved In

My father and brother finished moving me in yesterday. They set up my bed and some other furniture. I had to call the customer service for my wireless router. That was frustrating. Not only was I on my cell phone (because my land line phone wasn't charged yet) so I already couldn't hear well, but the person I was talking to was in Egypt. I think he said it was Egypt. Anyway, he had a very thick accent and I could barely understand him and I had to have him keep repeating himself.. Eventually it all worked out though and I don't have to use a stupid wire. I hate being wired on my laptop. My family stayed really late last night. I didn't think they would ever leave. I hate my mother. All we did was argue the whole time she was here. Then they ordered from some pizza place and brought all of this nasty greasy pizza into my apartment and some kind of wrap for my mother because she likes to think she eats healthy. She's in denial that she's obese. She is literally obese. I forget what I told them to get out of eating, but I didn't have to. The bad part about the whole ordering nasty crap is that my family is ridiculous and they NEVER throw any leftover food out because God forbid later they want to eat the nasty crap again. Well, of course, they put the leftover food in my refrigerator and then forgot it when they left. So now I have a couple slices of pizza, a half of a wrap, and a nearly empty bottle of pepsi. I won't eat any of that stuff so now it's going to rot in my refrigerator...until I throw it out. But with my luck I'll throw it out tonight and tomorrow my family will find some reason to come up to my apartment and be horrified to find that I've thrown out their food. Yeah, that would happen too. After they left I just hung out and watched a few movies until I fell asleep. I had a pretty bad day today. Good = fat. I can't stop thinking about how Tracy said I looked "good" when I saw her on Thursday. It's ridiculous how that one little comment (that I'm sure she meant to be nice) completely consumes me. I must've weighed myself 50 times today. Every five minutes I'm back on that stupid scale. I've gained weight too. I was down to 117 when I got back from North Carolina three weeks ago. Now...I don't even want to say how much I weigh. It's disgusting. My weight needs to get down to double digits or else it's just gross. I'm 5'7" (almost 5'8" because I!) and Angelina Jolie is about 5'7"-5'8"...maybe even 5'9" and she's like 98 lbs and she looks amazing. I would be happy if I was 98 lbs. Right now I'd just like to fall asleep for a few months and wake up 98 lbs. Today was so bad that I even hurt myself. I'm such a loser.

- Danyele


Anonymous said...

I hate it when ppl bring greasy crap to my house! I hope tomorrow goes better for you!

dyingtodance said...

'Good = Fat'
I totally get where your coming from. Comments like that and healthy or better always replay over and over in my head. It is the disorder twisting them people hardly ever mean it in the way that we take it. Lol I wish I could fall asleep and wake up 98lbs too. That would be awesome lol