Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Today (techinically yesterday since it's early in the am) was my first day of classes. That was certainly a different experience. My first college class ever was General Psychology. It was a lot of note-taking though. Six whole pages in my notebook are now filled with psych notes just from today. I think I'm probably going to like the material, but I'm curious to see how uncomfortable I'll be when the professor lectures about eating disorders. That will be awkward. Anyway, then I had some precalc (because I'm an idiot and couldn't do the stuff of the placement exam even though I already had precalc) and that was lame. It was a restitution period, but we didn't have any material to go over because we hadn't had a class yet. We reviewed real numbers....which was lame. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this isn't middle school. I think maybe it was just because it was the first class and there really wasn't anything to talk about. After precalc I had a few hours of doing nothing so I went to the bookstore to pickup the books I had ordered and paid for online. Oh my god. Picking up all of my textbooks at once was SUCH a bad idea. In theory it was good because then I'd only have to go to the bookstore and wait for my books in that ridiculously long line once instead of multiple times. I forgot to think about just how heavy all of those books would be. I don't know how I managed to even get them to the bus stop. My arms are killing me now. I'm pathetic. I dropped them off at my car and then went over to another campus. Today I also learned that trying to catch a bus off of the main campus mid-day is nearly impossible. The bus was PACKED. I had to get on it though. So I did and then I had a bunch of time to burn before bio so I decided to try out for choir. I went there and I went in the audition room and met some of the music staff and they were looking over this thing I filled out about my choral experience. So one of them starts asking about the director of one of the honor choir I had been in and before I could even answer he had looked at my high school and started talking about how he knows my high school director and how we always look so professional with "perfect hair and perfect hemlines". The mood immediatly lightened. Then I auditioned and I was just looking to get into the general choir, but he mentioned that he would try to get me into the more select choir if my scheduled could be arranged. I have bio during one of the rehearsal periods. The only thing is, General Biology is maxed out with students and it would be almost impossible for me to switch sections. I didn't tell him that though. I'll just let him handle it. After the audition I still had a good two hours before bio. I walked around the campus and smoked because I didn't want to get on a bus to get back to my car and then have to get back on a bus to go back to the same campus I was just at an hour earlier. Then I went to bio and it Then I went back to my dorm and realized that my laptop screen is broken. It really needs to be fixed. Something is wrong with the screen and if you put any pressure on it (like, if you're adjusting the screen or something) it flickers white and gets stuck on a white screen and you have to hit it to get it to fix and I just shouldn't have to do that with a computer I paid almost $2500 for. So I called Sony customer service and waited forever on hold so they could tell me that my warranty would only cover the repair if I sent out the computer, which would take 7-10 days from when Sony recieved my computer. That really means it could take up to a couple of weeks. I told the customer service rep that I did not like that idea and she told me that they could send someone out to my apartment to repair it, but that wasn't covered on my warranty so it would cost $150. I was furious, but I need my computer so now I have to pay $150 for them to fix something that shouldn't have even been broken. Lame. My friend Chris visited not too long ago. He is at the same college as me, but living on campus. I picked him up at his dorm and then we hung out at my apartment for a little bit. Then we went back to his dorm and I met his friends. I've recently realized that I completly lack social skills. Do you want to know how many friends I've made so far since I've been here? None. I guess that's ok though. I really didn't come to college to make friends. I came to college to get an education. Speaking of friends though, I was talking to one of my best friends yesterday. She goes to a different college that's just a few hours away. She's...well, she's fat. She's about 5'0" and about 140 lbs. I'm about 5'8" and about 125 lbs. so my BMI is significantly less then hers (about 27.4 compared to about 19.0). Anyway, she tells me that her mother is fraking about because she's lost 6 pounds since she's been away at school (about two weeks). First of all, I don't know why someone would tell this to someone they KNOW has an eating disorder, but she did. I know I should be concerned and I would really like to be concerned, but I'm actually just really jealous. Even though she's overweight and it would be healthier for her to be 10 lbs lighter, I am still so jealous. If she loses enough weight to weigh less then me I'll just die. I figured out that she would have to weigh about 97 lbs at her height to have about the same BMI as me, but even so if she even gets close to my weight I'll just freak out. I really will. Bleh. I'm going to sleep. I'm so exhausted.
- Danyele


Anonymous said...

i cannot wait to start classes (as nerdy as that sounds.
im glad you're having a decent time

Anonymous said...

hey sweets
great site-ima a little sick of xanga as well im setting myself up for a move to
like 2 yrs ago xanga was decent to talk about eating disorders and now its a cluster of 12 yo wannabe's- is blogspot a better place?
lemme know and how ur doing-kk?
aka (perfected_obsession)